The boxes
As far as I could find out, the first 80s Fleur dolls were sold in a dark green box with a cardboard flap at the site that showed a promo picture of the doll inside. This box was probably used untill 1983 and lin later 1983 switched to a dark green box without the cardboard flap.

The headmolds
If you want to see all headmolds used for Fleur dolls in the 80s, click here.
Headmolds which I refer to in this blog post are:
- Ballerina facemold: First headmold of the 80s, small head, pointy chin, small eyes with usually long lashes, that are not strongly curled. Azure blue eyecolor. Ususally small, red lips. The very early dolls could have tiny lips. Usually flat back of head. The vinyl often tends to darken a bit and the early heads are mostly hart, especially the very early dolls. Blush placed on the lower side of the cheeks.
- Aerobic facemold: Second headmold in the 80s, head still smaller than late Fleur dolls but wider than Ballerina face. Ususally flat back of head. Oval eyes with azure blue eyecolor untill 1984, in 1984 Otrto Simon changed Fleur's eyecolor into a more navy blue color. Early dolls with the Aerobic mold had usually long lashes like Ballerina mold and small red lips. Later dolls with this mold (from 84) had shorter lashes that were more curled upwards shaped like a fan and bigger lips. Vinyl could be hart or soft. Blush placed on the lower side of the cheeks.
- Bighead facemold: Rare headmold, head is very big, comparable to the latest Fleur dolls from 1987, but made of very soft vinyl. Ususally azure blue eyes and subtle eyeshadow. Oval eyes with long lashes. Small lips that tend to fade.Flat back of head. Blush placed on the lower side of the cheeks.
- Colourstar facemold: Hedmold used for dolls produced in 1986. Rounder and bigger head than Aerobic facemold, back of head round. Cheeks also rounder. Bigger oval eyes with dramatic long lashes shaped like a fan. Colourfull blushing, can have strong or subtle eyeshadow. Big red lips. Navy blue eyes.

The difference in eyecolor is not always as obvious as it is on the photo above. Often the difference is more subtle and very hart to photograph. The azure blue eyes can be much more dark and navy blue eyes can be lighter. But you can tell them apart by the hue the color has: If the color has a more turquoise or aqua shade, it's the pre 84 azure blue, if it's more a cold blue or greyish blue without any turquoise hue, than it's 84 or later.

Fleur dolls first released in 1983
In 1983, as written above, Otto Simon changed the boxes from with cardboard flap to simple, but big boxes.
Dolls first released in 1983 were: My Fair Lady, Secretary, Aerobic, Special Offer (Logo Tee), Miss World and Wedding.
My Fair Lady Fleur
My Fair Lady was first released in 1982 according to, but she since she came in a big box without the flap I think she was released in 1983. The first edition was made with the Ballerina facemold with long lashes and small lips, the second edition, probably released in 1983 had the Aerobic facemold with long lashes and small lips. The outfits of both dolls was the same.

Wedding Fleur
Wedding Fleur is one of the most beautiful Fleur dolls in my opinion. She was released in a big dark green box without cardboard flap. This doll is rather hart to find, so I am very happy to own two variants of her.
One edition was made with the Aerobic facemold facemold with a very soft head and translucent vinyl. Her hair is sparely rooted. She was made with three haircolors, blonde, brunette and ginger. Her dress is flowy with big flowers on the lace and rather big mash on the tulle. Her dress closes with snaps at the back. Her veil was glued to her head, so she has glue residue on her hair.
Another edition was released in the same box. She has the Ballerina facemold made of a different, more peachy vinyl with vivid colors. She was also made with three haircolors but her hair is rooted very full. Her dress is more puffy and much stiffer than the first edition, the mashes of the tulle are smaller and the lace pattern has smaller flowers. It closes with velcro at the back. Her veil was not glued to her head, so she has no glue residue.
I don't actually know which of them was the first and which was the second edition.

Aerobic Fleur
Aerobic doll was first released in 1983, however she was very popular and was made for quite some time. That's why there are many variants of this doll out there. The first variant of this doll had the Ballerina facemold (I know, it's confusing!) and was rooted sparely, so the braids were thin. Shortly after, probably due to it's popularity, a second run was issued and this time she had the Aerobic facemold. There are many more Aerobic dolls out there with the Aerobic mold than with the Ballerina face. The second issue also was sparely rooted with thin braids. After that even more variants were released, all with the Aerobic facemold, but with different kinds of rooting and with a big variety of haircolors, some with a full head of hair and very thick braids some with even less hair. My Aerobic Fleurs all have the azure blue eyes, but I can imagine that there are also later variants with navy blue eyes.
The box is big without a flap in a dark green color for all variants as far as I know.

Special Offer Fleur
Special Offer (Logo Tee) was released in a narrow simple box without the flap and she only exists with the Ballerina facemold as far as I have seen. She can be identified easily by her rooting pattern and her unique body. She has a full fringe and a short curly ponytail, her hair is only rooted at the outer cirle with no plugs in the middle. Click here for a full review about Special Offer Fleur.
The only variants I have seen is the bodice of the blonde dolls, it can be either light green or dark green.

Secretary Fleur
Secretary Fleur was released in a big box without the cardboard flap, probably because many accessories were added with her. The first edition of Secretary Fleur has the Ballerina facemold, that often tends to get darker and her brows tend to be pale. The probably second edition of Secretary Fleur was made with the wider Aerobic facemold.
As far as I can say, the outfit and accessories don't differ between the editions. However the accessories differ depending the haircolour. See here for a full blog post about this cute doll.

Miss World Fleur
Miss World was a Speelboom exclusive doll (Speelboom is a dutch toy store) and she is very hart to find.
The most common, allthough still very rare, is a brunette Miss World, however I lately discovered that she was also available with blonde hair and I suppose also with red, allthough I haven't seen a redhead in person yet, only on a promo picture.
Miss World was made with the small Ballerina headmold with vinyl that tends to darken and paling eyebrows, very similar to the Secretary Fleur. A second variant was made with the Aerobic facemold with peachy vinyl that doesn't darken.

Travel Fleur
According to the webpage (click here to be forwarded, extern link), which is THE source for Fleur dolls, there is no official release date of this unusual doll, she has no cataloque number and no promotional pictures. guessed, that she was released in 1985. I however think, that she weas released at latest in 1984 (maybe even 1983?) because of the headmold and the fading eyebrows, that seem to be typical for her. All dolls I have seen photos of have the Ballerina facemold. I am not entirely sure if the eyecolor is navy blue or azure blue, but they look azure blue to me. She can be identified by fading eyebrows and rather short, curly hair.
She was not releaesed in a box, but in a dark green travel case. I don't know if any variants exist of this rare doll.

Fleur dolls first released in 1984
In 1984 Otto Simon changed the boxes completely to a simple design without the cardboard flap at the side. In 1984 the eyecolor of Fleur also changed from azure blue( a turquioise/aqua color) to navy blue (a darker and colder blue). The lashes were usually curled more upwards and shaped like a fan.
Dolls first released in 1984 were: Jeans, Baby Nurse and Famous Fashion.
Baby Nurse Fleur

Baby Nurse Fleur was released in a simple, dark green box without a cardboard flap. She can be found either with the small Ballerina facemold as well as with the Aerobic facemold. The doll with Ballerina facemold could have azure blue eyes, like the eaerly dolls, or navy blue eyes. The lashes are curled upwards and shaped like a fan. She has bigger, red lips. Dolls with the Aerobic facemold have navy blue eyes, long lashes that are curled upwards and shaped like a fan and also bigger, red lips. She can be easily identified by her unique hairstyle. She has short hair without a parting and a fringe.

Jeans Fleur
Jeans Fleur was released in a simple dark green box. The most Jeans Fleur that can be found have the Aerobic facemold with navy blue eyes and long lashes. However, there are also variants of Jeans Fleur made with the small Ballerina facemold. The eyecolor is more of a navy blue, mostly dark. Otto Simon probably used old stock of heads they had left.

Famous Fashion Fleur
Famous Fashion Fleur was one of the most popular dolls and she was produced in large quantities. The first version was released in a dark green box and cellophane on two sides of the box, which makes it very delicate. The doll was sitting in the box. The first variant rleased in 1984 has the Aerobic facemold with navy blue exes and rather short, strongly curled lashes shaped like a fan and bigger red lips. She has very long hair that was rolled into a Fleur flip with a side parting.
The later variant must have been produced in 1985 or even 1986, because she has the much bigger and rounder facemold I call Clourstar facemold. The eyes are much bigger and oval, the lashes more dramatic. She is rooted with much more hair than the first variant and the hair is also noticable shorter. Some collectors think, that these dolls are a later version of In Concert Fleur, the only other doll made with a sidepart. I however doubt it, because these dolls are always found on standart Fleur bodies (not Ballerina bodies like original In Concert has) and it is unlikely that In Concert was produced so many years after it's first release. The outfit of Famous Fashion Fleur is also very common and easy to be found, unlike the In Concert gown, which is rare. I don't know in what kind of box these dolls were sold in.

The next blog post will be Part 3 of this series about Fleur dolls released in 1985, 1986 and 1987. Click on "previous" to see Part 1 about Fleurdolls made 1981 and 1982.
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