The boxes
Dolls that were released in 1985 and early 1986 were sold in a simple dark green box. The box often had a small promo picture of the doll inside at the front, but not always. In 1986 the design of the boxes was changed drastically. The color was light green with and the flowers on the box were more abstract. The boxes didn't show any promo pictures of the doll inside anymore.

The headmolds
If you want to see all headmolds used for Fleur dolls in the 80s, click here.
Headmolds which I refer to in this blog post are:
- Tennisstar Facemold: Headmold introduced in late 1984, it is slightly bigger than the Aerobic facemold, late Tennisstar facemolds can be bigger. The face is all together rounder and the cheeks are also rounder. The back of the head is round (not flat like Aerobic). The eyes are small and round, navy blue eye color (dark or bright), can have subtle, strong or no eyeshadow. Lashes can be short shaped like a fan and curled upwards or long and less curled. Lips can be small or bigger, red. Blush is mostly in the middle of the cheeks. Vinyl often tends to pale.
- Colourstar facemold: Hedmold used for dolls produced in late 1985 and throughout 1986. Head is slightly bigger than Tennisstar with round back of head. Round cheeks like Tennisstar. Bigger, oval eyes with navy blue color. Long strongly curled lashes shaped like a fan, lashes seem to be a bit thicker as well and darker black. There are two variants made with this facemold, low color with subtle eyeshadow and subtle blush and high color with strong eyeshadow and blush.
- Sunshine facemold: Biggest headmold used for dolls made in 1987. Face is wider than Colourstar facemold. Round back of head. Oval navy blue eyes with long, dramatic lashes shaped like a fan. Subtle eyeshadow and blush. Big red lips.

Fleur dolls ffirst released in 1985
Already in late 1984 Otto Simon changed the appearance of Fleur dolls, the heads and faces were rounder, the hair fuller. She also got a second kind of body, the Standart Fleur body. The dolls were sold in dark green simple boxes, however some popular dolls were reissued in a light green box as well.
Dolls first released in 1985 were: Amazone (late 84), Bride's Happiness (late 84), Jazz Ballet, Jogging, Tennisstar, Special Offer and Colourstar.
The first version of Amazone Fleur was released in a slim dark green box with no name written on it. It is actually the same box as Special Offer Fleur from 1983 was released in. This variant was made with the Tennisstar facemold with rather long lashes. She didn't come with the button and the cup the later variant had.
The second variant is more often found than the first version and was probably released shortly after the first variant. She was the same doll as the first one but was sold a wider dark green box with added cup. The third variant was released probably on eyear later. She has ususally the colourstar facemold with dramatic long lashes. She was sold in the same box but a button was added.
The fourth variant of this doll was released in a light green box in 87. She has the wider Sunshine facemold with long lashes. She didn't have the cup nor the button in her box.
See here a full article about Amazone Fleur.

Bride's Happiness
Bride's Happiness must have been produced in a huge quantity because she is still fairly easy to find even in good condition. She was made with three haircolors as a set with a little flower girl with matching haircolor.
The first variant was released in a big dark green box and was sold between 1984 and 1985. Fleur had the Tennisstar facemold with long lashes. The flower girl has shoulder long hair and a fringe.
The later variant was also sold in a dark green box and had the Colourstar facemold with short lashes and strong eyeshadow and blush. The flower girl with this dolls had short hair with centerpart and no fringe.
The third variant was sold in a light green box and was probably released in 86. She has the Colourstar facemold with long dramatic lashes, strong eyeshadow and blush. The flower girl has shoulder long hair without a fringe.

Jazz Ballet
Jazz Ballet was a v ery succesfull doll, of course who doesn't love a Ballerina?
The first variant of this doll was sold in a dark green box in 1985. She had the Tennisstar facemold with either short or long lashes, subtle eyeshadow and big red lips. In 1986 she got a second edition and was sold in a light green box, her name changed to Jazz Ballerina. This version was released with the Colourstar facemold with bigger, oval eyes and long dramatic lashes. There were also two variants made with this facemold: one with subtle eyeshadow and blush I call low color and one with strong eyeshadow and strong blush I call high color.

Jogging must have been very popular as well, because she was sold untill 1987. That's why there are many variants of this cute doll.
The first version was released in a dark green box in 1985. Her hair was styled into a side ponytail. She has the Tennisstar facemold with long lashes. She was wearing white running shoes and socks.
Shortly after the second version was released. She also had the Tennisstar facemold with long lashes and tranclicent kinf od vinyl that tend to fade. Her hair was styled into the typical Fleur flip. This variant was not wearing socks and was sold with either white running shoes or white sandals.
The next variant had also the Tennisstar facemold but with short lashes but made with the more peachy viynl. Her hair was styled into the Fleur flip.
In 1987 Jogging Fleur was released with the Colourstar facemold with either long or short lashes in low color or high color. She was sold in the light green boxes with no name written on.
In 1987 another variant of Jogging Fleur was released with the wider Sunshine facemold and long lashes. She was also sold in the same non name light green boxes.

The first Tennisstar Fleur was released in a simple dark green box. She had the Tennisstar facemold (I obviously named the facemold after her) with rather short lashes. The second edition, probably also released in late 1985 was sold in the same box but with longer, dramatic lashes.

Colourstar Fleur was made in three different colors, blue, yellow and pink. All were sold in dark green boxes. They all have the Colourstar facemold with dramatic high color makeup . As far as I have seen there are two variants of these dolls, one with very long lashes and big messy curls and one with shorter lashes and tighter curls.

Special Offer (Striped Dress)
Special Offer Fleur was produced in high quantity as her dresses are still very common and easy to find. There are at least two variants of this doll. The first variant was released early 1985 in a simple and slim dark green box, no name was written on the box. The dolls had the Tennisstar facemold with subtle eyeshadow and short lashes. The hair was usually wavy, heads were soft. The second variant has the Colourstar facemold with low color (subtle eyeshadow and blush) with long dramatic lashes. Her hair is very curly, the heads are not as soft as the first variant. She was sold in the same dark green box. There are countless variants in any color of the dresses.

Fleur dolls first released in 1986
1986 is an intersting year, because in this year the boxes got a major make over. They were now light green, the flowers at the front were much more abstract. There were no pictures of the doll inside on the front of the boxes.
Dolls first released in 1986 were: Special Offer (striped dress), Surfing, Animal Doctor, College and Grand Gala
This cute dolls is actually hart to find, even unboxed or only the outfit, so she must have been made in a small quantity. She was sold in a big light green box. As far as I have seen, she has the Colourstar facemold with either short lashes or long lashes and very subtle make up (low color).
There are three variants of her outfit with a peach pullover, a yellow pullover or a pink pullover. She was available in three haircolours. See here a full article about College Fleur.

Grand Gala
Grand Gala was sold in a big light green box. There are several color variants of the added bow shaped hair clip.
The doll has the Colourstar facemold and she was made either with low color make up or with high color make up. The low color variant could have long lashes or short lashes. The high color variants usually have dramatic long lashes.
There are promotional pictures of a second edition of Grand Gala Fleur in a different gown, but this doll never made it into production.

Although there is no doubt that Surfing Fleur was released in late 1986, the first edition of this doll was made with the Tennisstar facemold, a mold normally used in 1985. She was sold in a light green box. Maybe they have used old stock of heads. The second edition was made with the Colourstar facemold and was made with low color or high color make up. She was sold in the same box.

Animal Doctor
Animal Doctor was released in a big light green box, she came as a set with a basket and a dog. The basket could be either brown or white. There are also several variants of the dog.
The Fleurdoll has the Colourstar facemold in low color with long dramatic lashes. I don't know if she was also available in high color, I would suspect so, but haven't seen one yet.

Part 4 of this blog post series about Fleur variants will be published some time later this year. It will be about Fleur dolls released in 1987 and Logo Fleur dolls.
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